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Proper Weighting For Freediving: How To Ensure A Safe & Enjoyable Dive

As a freediver and spearo, proper weighting is crucial to ensure a safe and successful dive. Improper weighting can not only compromise your safety but can also impact your performance in the water & kill you! In this blog, we’ll go over how to properly weight yourself for freediving to ensure you have the best diving experience possible.

Step 1: Gather All Your Gear

Before jumping into the water, make sure you have all the gear you’ll be diving with, including your wetsuit, fins, mask, weight belt, speargun, camera and any additional gear you typically use. It’s important to have all your gear on to get an accurate weight check.

Step 2: Take a Peak Inhale and Hold

Once you have all your gear on, take a deep breath in, filling your diaphragm and lungs to the max, and hold it for a second.

Step 3: Let Out 20% of Your Air and Hold

After holding your breath for a second, let out about 20% of your air and hold. Make sure your snorkel is out of your mouth.

Step 4: Check the Water Line

While holding your breath, look (feel) at the waterline. The waterline should be between your eyes and chin. If the waterline is above your eyes, then you’re overweighted, and you need to remove some weight. If the waterline is below your chin, you’re underwater weighted, and you need to add some weight.

Step 5: Test Your Weighting

Once you’ve adjusted your weight, it’s essential to test it out in deeper water. Start with a shallow dive and check your buoyancy at various depths. It’s important to get comfortable with your weighting before attempting any deeper dives.

Step 6: Consider Water Density

It’s essential to keep in mind that water density can affect your weighting. If you’re diving in saltwater, you’ll need to add weight to compensate for the higher density of the water. A general rule of thumb is to add one pound of weight for every millimeter of wetsuit you’re wearing.

In conclusion, proper weighting is a crucial aspect of freediving that should not be overlooked. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that you’re properly weighted and ready for a safe and enjoyable dive. Remember, if you’re ever unsure about your weighting, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and remove a little weight to ensure your safety. If you’re interested in learning more about proper weighting or other freediving techniques, sign up for a course or charter with SAVAGE DIVING!